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2024 Foals

Updated August 23, 2024

Filly foaled April 25, 2024.
Sired by Flirtin With A Win (APHA/AQHA)
and out of WR Stella Rose(APHA/AQHA)
a daughter of WR Scotchtime (APHA/AQHA).


Colt foaled April 25, 2024.
Sired by Running And Gunning (AQHA)
and out of Shesa Shi Flirt ( APHA/AQHA)
a full sister of Flirtin With A Win (APHA/AQHA)


Colt foaled May 2, 2024.
Sired by Flirtin With A Win (APHA/AQHA)
and out of Sheza Real Flirt (APHA)
an own daughter of Real Bonanza


Colt foaled May 11, 2024.
Sired by Running And Gunning (AQHA)
out of Flirtin With Hope (AQHA)
full sister to Flirtin With A Win (APHA/AQHA).


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